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The International Day of Light (#IDL2019) is an annual event, a global initiative held on May 16th, providing an annual focal point for the continued appreciation of light and the role it plays in science, culture and art, education, and sustainable development, and in fields as diverse as medicine, communications, and energy.
The broad theme of light allows many different sectors of society worldwide to participate in activities that demonstrates how science, technology, art and culture can help achieve the goals of UNESCO – education, equality, and peace.
Official website.

International Day of Light VIDEO on YouTube:

Why May 16th?
May 16th is the anniversary of the first successful operation of a laser in 1960. The laser is a perfect example of how a scientific discovery
can yield revolutionary benefits to society in communications, healthcare and many other fields. The International Day of Light however is not just about science – the themes cover all areas of light in its general sense including art, culture, and development.

Themes of IDL
Science: astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, photonics
Lighting: design, architecture, cities, energy
Culture: art, music, poetry, history, philosophy
Development: education, energy, climate change, light poverty.

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